Sep 17, 2005

the little dog

Spawned by the comments at Sadly, No!

Someone mentioned that Bush is hard to listen to, that his cadence is forced, seemingly false.

If he were to emphasise different syllables, he might sound like he's saying something.

I've noticed his written speeches, when compared to the way he speaks them, say very different things. The words are all there, same order, but Bush always manages to say something non-commital, in a way that many people see as passionate.

Others, who I suspect are better at reading people, see that often he doesn't comprehend what he is saying, he is literally just reading, consistently.

Reading isn't leading, and leading isn't reading
So don't pet goats, don't pet goats.
(apologies to McGruff)

and thanks to McGruff (and the Indian Health Service?!?, wtf? a story about ducks that makes my larger point)

I miss saxophone jazz and blue dresses.

p.s. i could use the tp, bring it!

p.p.s. That trick with the bag of grass works at the campus pond too, except you'll get hippie chicksas well as ducks.

Maybe that's what O'Reilly meant.


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