May 15, 2003

According to the house of representatives :


AMICC Air and Marine Interdiction Coordination Center, located near Riverside, California; Customs-led program to track flights into and within the U.S. to prevent illegal smuggling by air.


AND, accoring to the department of the treasury:


Customs Air and Marine Interdiction Program

Established by Congress in response to the growing number of airborne smugglers bringing illegal drugs and other contraband into the United States, the Customs Aviation Interdiction Program became operational in 1971. In 1973, the Marine program began operations. In 1999, the Air and Marine programs merged, creating the Air and Marine Interdiction Division.

The mission of the Air and Marine Interdiction Division (AMID) is to protect the Nation's borders and the American people from the terrorist threat and the smuggling of narcotics and other contraband, with an integrated and coordinated air and marine interdiction force.

...cut out some phone numbers...

Air and Marine Interdiction Coordination Center (AMICC)
U.S. Customs Service
March ARB, CA
Phone: (909) 656-8000


So they (Texas Republicans or Rangers) called an air force base, to an office whice exists to "protect the Nation's borders and the American people from the terrorist threat and the smuggling of narcotics and other contraband, with an integrated and coordinated air and marine interdiction force.", in order to track a state representaives whereabouts....???



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