Nov 2, 2006

John Kerry

today took his head out of his ass just long enough to stick his foot in his mouth.

Forgive me Senator, but you shouldn't quit your day job. In fact, get back to it. No laughing matter, I'm a voter and I've voted for you three times now over about 10 years. Go, lead, kick ass in my name. Embellish, poke your damned finger in his eye fer chrissakes. Take him down a peg. Be mouthy. Do not apologise for any of it, and when asked, just get the joke right.



At 2.11.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What?s so funny?

At 2.11.06, Blogger Chuckles said...

Too bad Kerry went and got all lame in the Senate. When he was young, he was fierce.

At 2.11.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's apologized and been sent to his room until after the election.

Now back to Foley jokes...

At 4.11.06, Blogger fish said...

As Molly Ivins said, "John Kerry was born with a silver foot in his mouth".

At 4.11.06, Blogger mdhatter said...

I heart Molly


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