Aug 10, 2006

Blame Connecticut

When your country is engaged in dangerous wars based on lies and obscure reasoning, it is immoral to say nothing simply because you are afraid it will make you look bad.
So, do you consider youself a Democrat? I never used to, but lately, yes. Consider me a Dean/Obama/Murtha Democrat. Even in public, but I try like heck not to talk politics in polite company. lately, since Dean is running the DNC, Obama got elected, and Murtha is at least trying to be a sane voice of reason and experience, sign me in.

I may even be a Lamont Democrat, but maybe not. My opinion, the whole state of Connnecticut kinda sucks. It's nothing personal CT, you're nice to look at and all, but as far as company goes, you do nothing for me but keep Manhattan at a healthy distance.

Remember people, CT was home to the first law school in the colonies. nevermind Canada, Blame Connecticut!