Some scientists.... some??!1!?? -link-
Some scientists, including President Bush's chief science adviser, John H. Marburger III, emphasize there is still much uncertainty about when abrupt global warming might occur.
"There's no agreement on what it is that constitutes a dangerous climate change," said Marburger, adding that the U.S. government spends $2 billion a year on researching this and other climate change questions. "We know things like this are possible, but we don't have enough information to quantify the level of risk."
Is it going to cost a trillion dollars and 1000,000 lives if you're wrong?What happenned to act now, ask later?
Psssst, I hear Glabal Warming tried to buy Yellowcake from Niger
Global Warming has also invaded Poland, destroyed the Maine, taken the Alamo, shot Franz Ferdinand, AND YET it is deeply respected by NATO.
I think Bush is jealous of Global Warming success'.
And that time when Osama roasted Global Warming on it's 25th anniversary, that was amazing.
One question though, what will Global Warming DO with all that ice?